That Text Can Wait


Sabastien Becnel, Reporter

Understanding traffic safety is vital to the safety of those who are on the road; whether driving or walking on the sidewalk. Those who do not follow these traffic safety laws are punished, usually with fines and things of that nature, in order to ensure that they will follow the law next time a situation arises.

One of the most dangerous things that a driver can do is to text and drive; this has caused and will continue to cause many accidents and wrecks in the future because many people think it is okay. Studies show that 9% of fatal accidents are caused by texting and driving; this may not seem like much but this number is still extremely high, as there are around 6 million crashes per year. That leaves 540 thousand of the accidents being caused by texting and driving.

It is important to understand how texting and driving can affect people, especially after a traumatic experience such as an accident. Many people have died from accidents, but you don’t have to risk your life for a single text. Don’t be another casualty; don’t text and drive.