Getting the Mardi Gras Spirit out of a Zulu Display
At Lakeside Mall, the Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club set up a grand display to get residents and tourists in the carnival spirit. This display keeps the extravagance that Mardi Gras’s costumes and designs provide each year, while also acting as a surprising learning experience.
Multiple costumes are given the spotlight around the display, showing off the different characters of and references to Zulu culture. To go with the familiar Mardi Gras sight, posters are also set up. These posters give a brief history on the rise of Zulu in Louisiana, important events in the group’s history, and main people involved in the club.
Clarence Becknell, member of the Zulu History committee, said “There’s been so many myths about us over the years and we decided in the early 80’s to educate the community and this is one way that we use the mall to do so.”
The Zulu Display is located at Lakeside Mall in Metairie, set up in the center court. This setup will stay standing until the day after Mardi Gras ends on Wednesday February 19th. More information on the display can be found on Lakeside’s website at https://ww

I've always been an imaginative person growing up, with the biggest and craziest of ideas I could think up staying in my brain, and now that i'm at the...