Quarter 1 Project

Joliette Vincent

For this project, we picked a concentration and made a video. There was feature story, short film, documentary, and others. I chose short film. I chose to do a video on a band member who had gotten an injury. I chose this because it was the only thing I was really interested in. I kind of had no other ideas.

After we chose our concentration our next step was to plan future steps. We had to schedule interviews and times to film. We had to create lower thirds if necessary. Then after we planned a day to film we would film and start to edit. A challenge I faced during this project was I got really depressed during the edit days and my motivation to actually do work was lacking. I got over it eventually and ended up turning in my video on time. I liked the way my video came out except for the music. On the last day, I started running out of time so I just chose a song that kind of worked but in my opinion is kind of boring.

I learned that pacing is a big part of getting a video done. You need to make sure that you’re on track to getting your video done without overwhelming yourself with so much stuff you start to panic. I also learned how to listen for follow up questions. I found them very useful for my interviews. I also learned that though someone may tell you something it is ultimately your video and the person giving feedback is not always right. I would choose this concentration again just because there is so much freedom in the short film concentration that you’re not really tied down to one idea.