Quarter 1 Project

Cameron Chauvin

For this project we got to choose a concentration such as, news, Commercials, Short Films, Sports or documentaries.  I chose photography and made a short film with my pictures.

After i chose my concentration my friend and I went into the city and took pictures with different backgrounds and angles. some challenges I faced were very simple challenges to overcome. Like at one point we ran out of backgrounds so we just drove around and just looked for some cool spots.

My final video came out better that I had expected. My pictures were also better that I expected. It was my first time ever doing anything like this and I found that I was pretty good at it.  The picture could always have room to improve but what can i expect it was my first ever photoshoot.

I learn that photography is definitely way harder than it looks. There are so many components to c a camera that are very confusing but every one of them place a part in the perfect picture. I would choose this concentration again because i had a lot of fun with it because every picture tell a story and i like that i could tell a story with just a few pictures.