Lip Dub Reflection
January 16, 2019
I think the lip dub came out great. The transitions worked well together and the lip dub flowed even though there were multiple songs in it instead of just one. I liked that we were able to find a creative way to include both buildings of the satellite center using a creative transition. There wasn’t much of a group effort towards the middle and end of the project so finding a way to keep everyone involved in the project throughout the whole project is something to try and change for next year.
Yes I think the video did accomplish its purpose of promoting the satellite center open house and showcase because the video highlights all of the classes the satellite center offers as well as the new course coming next fall. This years video is more organized, practiced, and thought out that last years video making it easier to film and put together once the filming was complete.
I think the order of each step in the lip dub is fine, but the collaboration level between classes and team members goes down as you move on to each step until you only have 2 or 3 people working on the project in the end. I liked getting to go down to the other classes and interact with them. We don’t normally get to see them since we are at a different building so it was fun getting to work on a project with everyone. I wish more ATVB people stayed interested in the project and helping the process along. This could’ve been fixed by adding giving people specific jobs that they had to do for the project.
I think that the check-ins with classes and the amount of creative freedom we have should stay the same, but I think that some of our camera shots aren’t as clean as they could be and whoever does the steadicam next year should do a few practice runs with the camera before they day of so they have practice and feel comfortable about it. My advice for next years Team Members is to not get frustrated when something doesn’t go your way and to not stress yourself out. Even though it is a big project and it seems like a lot to get done, but in the end everything will work out. Just trust in the process and trust in your other Team Members and everything will be fine.