Outside Commercial Project
December 9, 2018
This project was a commercial we created for the Economic Development and Tourism to promote the parish in a positive way and attract tourist. Steps that our group took to reach our final project was, first we had to decide who was going to be the group leader for the project. Then we decided what topic everyone was going to get. After deciding who was getting what topic, we then went on to discussing what would be some good people/events to put in our commercials. Once we finished that we then started scheduling interviews. After we finished filming all of our interviews we then started to put together our commercials. During the process our commercials were getting feedback constantly to make sure they were “perfect”, all the way up until the due date.
My thoughts on this project as a whole was that it was a nightmare. I was constantly asking people what they thought about what I had so far each day. I watched the same video over and over looking for mistakes or easy fixes. I liked how we were kind of in charge of the way we conducted everything. I liked being able to schedule interviews on my own and going out into the field to conduct interviews with people. There wasn’t really any parts of this project that I didn’t like. During the completion of this project I learned that when recording outside make sure you use the correct filter the first time you shoot so you wouldn’t have to reshoot.
It was fun working with an outside client for the first time. It helped me get a feel of what to expect it might be like creating a project for someone in the real world. It was a pleasure working with my group. We made a very good team together. One of my group members struggled with getting people to interview at first, but she still got the job done. We had to reshoot some of our interviews about a thousand times feel like. I feel that I did very well with being involved in this project. I helped my group members with scheduling interviews and shooting them.
Compared to the expectation I had my video came out good. I didn’t expect it to come out as well as it did. Compared to other groups I wouldn’t say my groups video was better nor worse, because everyone got some kind of feedback pointing out things that could be improved. The feedback that was received helped us fix mistakes that we didn’t even notice while editing. It was very obvious that everyone listened to the feedback that they were given.
If I were to do this project over again I wouldn’t change anything. I liked how everything turned out in the end. Nothing needs to be changed about this project for the kids coming in next year. No one really struggled with anything really, expect for scheduling interviews that’s about it. If I had the chance to come back and speak to the next year students at the beginning of the project, I would tell them to make sure they get as much b-roll as they can even if they think they have enough in order to help them to be most successful.