Outside Commercial Project Reflection

Miranda Hall

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This project was to draw potential businesses to St. Charles Parish for the St. Charles Parish Economic Development and Tourism. These are the steps my group took to complete this project. First, we established who would be doing which part of the project whether it be interviewing, filming, or helping write the questions. Next, we emailed and called around so we could see who we could interview before setting up dates and times for the interviews. Then, we went to the places we needed to and filmed B-Roll and the interviewee. Finally, once we were done we went back to class and imported the videos before getting started on editing.

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My thoughts of the project as a whole was that it was fun to go around and film but I wish we had planned a bit more before just going to film. Also, we should’ve had more communication skills. The parts I liked about it was hearing information from our interviewees and getting a chance to film. The part I didn’t like about it was no matter how much I edited my video, it never came out exactly how I wanted it to be so my client would be satisfied. Some things I learned from the project was that no matter if you don’t like something, don’t complain and just go with it. Just try your best and even if it doesn’t work, just try again..

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Working with an outside client for the first time was nerve wracking because I had to make sure I had all my questions done and filmed the right parts. My group worked well together but there were challenges like not all team members agreeing or being with the group when we went out to film.  I feel I could’ve helped out my team members better. I mean, I helped them out with editing and told them ideas on what we should film but I could’ve maybe been a bit more involved when it came to the actual filming. My contribution to the video affected the video for the worse, if I’m being honest. I’m not overly happy with how my video came out, especially since I wasn’t even there to film or interview the DOW plant employee.

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My video wasn’t what I expected when we first launched the project. I thought it’d be easy, smooth sailing, and I’d be fine working on it without too many questions. That wasn’t the case at all. I was asking questions because I wanted it to be perfect, it wasn’t smooth sailing because I wasn’t even there to interview the employee of DOW, and it wasn’t easy; it was a challenge.I wouldn’t say my groups video was better but I also won’t say it was worse. I guess it was in-between because we tried our best and tried to keep up with the deadlines. Nothing really made it better or worse, I just wish we would’ve communicated better. I wasn’t there when they had the feedbacks but the one from Corey Faucheux that I did receive helped me out because I had the DOW employee listed as “Operations Leader” and Corey helped with saying I should change it to “Manufacturing Leader”. I didn’t get a chance to give feedback but I watched some of their videos and liked them.

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If I was doing this project again, I’d probably get my team to communicate better and make sure they stayed on task, along with myself. When Mr. Robinson is planning a similar project for his Team Members next year, I don’t think he needs to change anything. This year it was just us not really listening and not taking it as serious as we should’ve. If I had the chance to come back and speak to those students at the beginning of the project, I would tell them to listen to everything Mr. Robinson says and not to goof off because the deadlines will catch up to them, even if they think they’ll be fine going at a slow pace. I would also tell them to plan everything out immediately to make sure that they don’t miss any b-roll, questions needed, or misspell their interviewee’s name. All in all, this project was fun, stressful, and made me realize that I need to stay focused if I want to make sure everything is done right.