Bridge Run News Story

Kaycee Joseph, Director and Editor


Thanks, on April 14 The United Way will be hosting their annual Bridge Run.

“The United Way of st. Charles Bridge Run is a 5K road race. So the runners will start at the Eastbank Bridge Park and continue over the Hailbox Bridge to finish on the Westbank. They will run about 3.2 miles total.”

This event has been going on for more than 2 decades. In an Interview with Tamera, who is the head of this race, she says,

“This will actually be the 22nd annual Bridge Run, so, for 22 years we’ve held this race in St. Charles Parish.

The money that is raised goes towards funding all of the different United Way organizations.

“Between 30 and 40,000 dollars is what we raise, and the money is used for our programs for The United Way of St. Charles and our partner agencies. So, it’s used for programs such as The Backpack Program that we have, Live United Scholarships, Summer camp scholarships, and those type of things. I think the most we’ve ever had was maybe 2,600 runners, but normally it’s about 2,000 runners. We’ve actually had people come from out of state to participate in this run. It is open to anyone who wants to participate. We will take people’s registrations up to April 14th which is the actual day of the race.”

For Press Play Productions, I’m Kaycee Joseph.