Basket Case- Short Film
February 26, 2018
LULING, LA This video is my short film that I have created for this quarter and it is titled, “Basket Case”. The film is about a girl struggling to find something to write about for her class when she falls asleep. She then dreams about a girl who discovers that her husband has been cheating on her and also plots his murder. When she wakes up, she now has inspiration for her story and receives an A in the end. I enjoyed creating this film because I have never put together anything like this on my own before. Although I don’t plan on going into this career field, it was fun to be able to explore this option and most importantly, learn a lot about myself as a creator. This was the first project where I was able to take home a camera and film on my own which has improved my skills tremendously because I had to independently problem solve. I also enjoyed being able to film, direct and edit on my own because I really got to make this film mine and show my style/creative skills. It was challenging to accept the fact that considering this is my first film, it’s not going to be perfect. However, I tried to work hard in every aspect so that I can reach my goals and I’m proud that I exceeded that.