Press Play News: Quarter 1

Asia Hill

LULING,LA- This was my class’s first news cast. We produced everything ourselves from the stories to the commercials. The show was over an hour and it was filled with much information and interesting stories. I individually completed a story about the non-profit organization Special Angel’s Outreach. I also filmed and created the show opener and I anchored the show. I also helped edit the finished product.

My peers gave me some great positive feedback. Many loved the emotion that the story had.  They said that the interview was good along with the voiceover. It came out professional and the intro was very informational. I agree with this feedback because I worked very hard to accomplish most of the content.

There were also some feedback provided abut things I could have improved. The main problem was that I should have included b-roll of the kids interacting with each other. They also stated that I could have added another graphic with the contact information. I agree with this information because when I did my interview, the kids were still in school so I could not get any footage of them. Also, the owner only provided me with pictures of the children.

This quarter, I learned that being a reporter is a very unpredictable job. Things may change quickly and drastically. I had my mind set on one story but I could not get in contact with a needed interviewee. Therefore, I had to change my entire story with only a few days left to complete the story. After I completed that story, a person from my first potential story contacted me back. I ended up with two stories and two interviews. Since I have to do this project again, I will be sure to get things done early and quickly.