Darian Durfey Feature Story

Gabrielle Wood

BOUTTE: After months of filming and editing this video, it is finally done and I couldn’t be more proud of how it came out. I was on top my game from the very beginning, being ahead with my work than everyone in both classes. Not waiting last minute, really gave me an advantage because I could take my time and perfect it to the way I’d like. Darian was also great to work with and she really the best fit for a feature story because I had so many things to cover and talk about. She only played four games this season, but I still was able to get good footage from her playing. Her positive and bubbly personality really showed in her interview which made the story really feel connected and personal.  From this story, I learned how to interview with just the mic showing, how to do a standup, and also many editing techniques. I can’t wait to do my next feature story in the spring since I will have learned form this one and can do better in other areas that needs improvement.