Pink Links PSA – Reflection Vlog

Sage Blackledge

BOUTTE, LA – In looking back on my Haunted House Pink Links PSA, I actually think the video came out really good, especially for our first real video where we had to work with other people outside of our class. Explaining part of the production process to them was really interesting and, though their lack of knowledge could be a bit annoying sometimes, it really helped me realize just how much I’m responsible for being able to know and explain in these projects. Our ATVB group worked very well together, and we had little to no problems amongst one another. In this project specifically, I acted mainly as the editor, but when we were in the process of filming I did camerawork and a little technical directing. We established our purpose of selling Pink Links and supporting breast cancer research very well; we showed the girls in the video getting scared of the facts about breast cancer, and we showed them being inspired to buy Pink Links at the end. The most challenging part and my favorite part of this project are actually the same thing: our group’s efforts to incorporate everyone’s ideas. It was my favorite because it was such a challenge, and everyone would get really excited every time a new idea was brought up. It was more of a challenge in practice, however, because we tried to put in a lot of ideas on the spot, which is never a good idea in a filming production, especially one as complex as ours was going to be. Next time, I’ll be sure to plan out everything fully before we try to film our video. Other than that, I feel that this video was a really good first experience, and it came out well all things considered. I’m proud of my group for pulling everything together in the end.

My Pink Links PSA: