OTP Week 5 and Analysis

Christopher Brand

Luling, LA – This video is on the Prowl week 5 with HHS head coach Salt. I did audio for this weeks show. the anchor Brandon did a very well job he displaced good posture and talked well and also maintained very professional eye contact throughout. the only thing is Brandon did show a bit of bias throughout the show.  The cameras were focused very well, but the camera workers did not place the talents in the frame well. the cameras are smooth and not shaky. Directing is nearly perfect no problems between camera changes. the audio is well, but the music is a bit low during the first part of the highlights. The editing of the film was well throughout except there was 1 jump in the show. The only thing that needs improvement throughout the video would have to be the audio just because of the music messing up and coach voice too low throughout the film.  We can make sure this is better by testing the mics more throughout the show and telling coach to talk louder.