Volleyball Compare and Contrast

Jyia Joseph

Luling,La, In both videos the announcer stated the name and number of the players instead of calling them just by name or just by number. They both had decent amount of Volleyball terminology. In the DHS Vs. HHS Volleyball Game video the announcer wasn’t really using proper Volleyball terms too often. She would use basic terms like Ace, Spike, way too often. She didn’t give a brief description of the team or coach’s history. She didn’t point out key players. Every time a team would score she would say the score. She also didn’t give a ranking of where both teams stand. In the  Women’s Olympic Volleyball Qualifier video they gave their ranking in the world. They also gave us some history of both teams. They highlighted the key/star players. They announcers had back and forth commentary. They included stats  and  information the coaches told their players before the game. Their volleyball terminology was extended and very well.