Sports Production Analysis : Sideline Reporters

Bracey Darensbourg

LULING,LA- Today in class we focused on the football games that we have produced in the last couple of weeks. I specifically focused on the sideline reporters. To say that those games were their first ones, they did really well. But there are some areas where improvement is needed. For example, something that really needs to be worked on is how one should be when the screen is on them but they haven’t started speaking yet. They should not be playing around and not being attentive. They should be ready as soon as they throw it down to them. Something else that can be worked on is being relaxed. In one of the games, my fellow staff member was extremely nervous and forgot her words. Besides that, each reporter always smiles and has a positive attitude when on camera. One thing that my fellow staff member did was he spoke upon the emotion of the game. He didn’t just give facts, he told the viewer the surroundings of the game. Overall I think that our sideline reporters are doing very well.