The Magic Wand Commercial

September 11, 2018

The goal of the first project I had the ability to be apart of was The Purpose Commercial. We had to find a new purpose for a household item, ours was a spatula, and shoot a one-minute commercial advertising it. My group (which consisted of Alexus Dukes, Lex Becnel, Jace Meyers, and Bryant Fletcher) and I decided to take a creative approach and made the spatula into a wand wielded by a Howdy Doody doll. Our target audience was not only to children but also to catch the attention of teens. The commercial did grab the attention of the intended audience with the witty humor and goofiness as planned, however, I believe my camera work could use a great amount of improvement. In many of the scenes, the focus was off and the lighting was not adjusted to the room we were in. Through all of these faults, I am hoping to notice and fix these problems before or during shoots when I have the ability to fix them. This project has given me the opportunity to witness first hand how hard it is to even capture a video only lasting one-minute and plan to use this knowledge to better my performance in future projects.